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Warren Dodsworth

Welcome to my personal page, a bit about me where I’ve been and where I’m headed.

Outgoing, passionate, and great with teams, I work well in a fast-paced environment and have experience in process analysis, design and a vast array of information systems.

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Roles & responsibilities

Technologies I’ve worked with


Area Description Proficiency Experience
Project Management Agile methodology using Atlassian JIRA & Confluence, Azure DevOps. Medium 3 Years
Azure Cloud Platform Architecting & Developing Azure Solutions, App Services, Storage, SQL Databases, B2C Implementation & Integration, Azure DevOps CI/CD, Application Insights, Azure Key Vault. Advanced 4 Years
Front-end Design Invision, Canva and Sketch for UI & GIMP for image processing. Business Process Diagrams in UML with MS Visio & LucidCharts. Advanced 5 Years
Front-end Development Angular 1-7 (4 years), Firebase (2 years), Typescript, Javascript, HTML, Sass & Less, XML, jQuery RestFul Web APIs. Chrome and Firefox browser extension development (1.5 years). Advanced 5 Years
Back-end Frameworks Microsoft .Net 4.5 & Core with Asp.Net Web Forms, MVC Razor, Web Api 2, WCF Services, ADO.Net, Identity Framework and Entity Framework 6 Unit testing with Moq and VS Test. Advanced 7 Year
Mobile App Development Ionic 3 & 4 with Cordova, Capacitor Hybrid Apps. Medium 3 Years
Mobile App Backend Development Firebase Authentication, Storage, Hosting, Real-time & Cloud Firestore nosql databases and Cloud Messaging for notifications. Advanced 3 Years
Integrations & Payment Gateways Google Maps, Places and Directions APIs, Facebook Graph API, Slack. PayPal, Xero API, PayU API etc. Medium 4 Years
Databases MS SQL Server, SSRS, SSMS, SQL Jobs, Schedulers, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase Real-time DB & Cloud Firestore Document DB Medium 5 Years
Patterns/Architectures Pattern, Singleton Pattern, Domain Driven Design, Serverless, Architectures (Firebase), Event Driven Architecture Advanced 5 Years
Customer relationship management Salesforce for lead tracking & customer management. Zoom & TeamViewer for presentations. Medium 2 Years
Web Servers IIS 8+, Node. Maintaining server security, SSL certificate requests & installation. Medium 3 Years
Development Tools Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, Visual Studio Code SSMS Tools, Android Studio. Advanced 7 Years
Versioning Tools GIT and Team Foundation Server Version Control (TVC) with Azure DevOps & Bitbucket. Advanced 7 Years

Personal projects

Freelance projects